morgan5021's Polls
morgan5021 published 64 polls

What is your favorite anime out of these?

Which Yuri?

Who do you like better? (4)

Do you like Knt?

Are you going to Indy popcon 2017?

What is your ZODIAC sign? (4)

What eye color were you born with?

What hair color were you born with?

What color symbolizes love?

Apples or Carrots?

What warrior cat clan do you like best? (out of the five)

Do you like the website kissanime?

what do you think about helium?

What do you think about your siblings?

What do you like better creepypasta or anime?

What is your favorite creepypasta character out of these?

what type of tic tacs do you like best?

what quote is the best?

do you like thanksgiving?