morgan5021 - Page 3

Uh i'm not active that much anymore. But i'll try to make some things. idk
added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
What makes the signs stressed/upset
Aries: people ignoring what they say

Taurus: being pressured into doing stuff they dislike

Gemini: being misunderstood

Cancer: being left out

Leo: not having their efforts recognised

Virgo: feeling useless

Libra: making wrong decisions

Scorpio: being embarrassed

Sagittarius: being accused of something they didn't do

Capricorn: working for nothing

Aquarius: feeling stupid

Pisces: disappointing someone they care about
on May 09, 2017
added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
Power and control?
Power to do whatever they want: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio

Control over people: Gemini, Cancer, Pisces

Power as in being powerful: Aries, Leo, Capricorn

Control over situations: Taurus, Virgo, Libra
on May 09, 2017
added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
The signs as characters from Free!!
Haru: Capricorn, Pisces

Nagisa: Aquarius, Leo

Makoto: Taurus, Scorpio

Rei: Gemini, Aries

Rin: Sagittarius, Libra

Gou: Virgo, Cancer
on May 09, 2017
added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
Why people like the signs
Aries: exciting and charismatic

Taurus: loyal and trustworthy

Gemini: hilarious and friendly

Cancer: sweet and nurturing

Leo: outgoing and radiating confidence

Virgo: down-to-earth and humble

Libra: peaceful and Charming

Scorpio: devoted and passionate

Sagittarius: honest and adventurous (Sounds like Armin!)

Capricorn: overachievers and inspiring

Aquarius: rude but nice

Pisces: selfless and compassionate

I'm just going to remind you that I'm only going to chapter 100 I'm not goi...
on May 09, 2017
added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
When the signs wake up.
"WHY!!!": Aries, Virgo, Gemini

"NOOOOOO": Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio

*Looks in the mirror*........"Crap": Leo, Libra, Cancer

"But I was having the best dream!": Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces
on May 09, 2017
uploaded a photo
morgan5021's Photo 1
on May 09, 2017
asked a question
What hair color do you wish you had?
If you ANY other hair color what do you wish it was. (Not multi color like rainbow one color like: blue, purple, etc.)
7 / 0
on May 03, 2017
I need ideas. I can't think of anything to make:(
on April 30, 2017
created a poll
What is your ZODIAC sign? (4)
8 more
24 votes 3
on April 22, 2017
created a poll
What eye color were you born with?
1 more
27 votes 18
on April 22, 2017
created a poll
What hair color were you born with?
Any shade of brown
Any shade of blonde
Any shade of red/orange
25 votes 5
on April 22, 2017
added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
'most likely to text instead of call' squad



on April 20, 2017
added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
1 word to describe the signs
Aries: salty

Taurus: stubborn

Gemini: talkative

Cancer: precious

Leo: fierce

Virgo: independent

Libra: fun

Scorpio: mean

Sagittarius: smart

Capricorn: compassionate

Aquarius: rude

Pisces: kind
on April 20, 2017
created a poll
What color symbolizes love?
16 votes 2
on April 16, 2017
asked a question
Are you sarcastic? If so, how much?
on April 16, 2017
added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
What the signs know because they just know
Knows where the boundaries are: Taurus, Cancer, Aries

Knows how to talk to people: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius

Knows when you're lying: Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn

Knows when you're sad or unhappy: Aquarius, Pisces Libra
on April 16, 2017
added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
The signs from most fierce to least fierce
1. Leo

2. Aries

3. Taurus

4. Capricorn

5. Scorpio

6. Gemini

7. Aquarius

8. Sagittarius

9. Libra

10. Virgo

11. Pisces

12. Cancer
on April 16, 2017
added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
The signs + hiding their emotions
Doesn't or can't: Virgo, Cancer, Sagittarius

Tries to but is bound to fall apart sooner or later: Pisces, Gemini, Libra

Hides it well, only the people closest to them know how they feel: Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius

They could be dying inside and nobody would know: Leo, Aries, Scorpio
on April 16, 2017
asked a question
Kitten names
I need some gender neutral names for 4 kittens. There is a orangish one, a black one, and two calico's.That's all you need to know \/ (the mother looks like that)
8 / 3
on April 16, 2017
added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
The signs as Game of Thrones Houses
Aries: House Baratheon

Taurus: House Clegane

Gemini: House Mormont

Cancer: House Stark

Leo: House Targaryen

Virgo: House Greyjoy

Libra: House Tully

Scorpio: House Lannister

Sagittarius: House Tyrell

Capricorn: House Arryn

Aquarius: House Tarth

Pisces: House Martell
on April 16, 2017