madison1's Starred Questions

madison1 has 6 starred questions
A really hard riddle
2 fathers and 2 sons go fishing, they each catch a fish, how come they brought home only three fish?
15 / 7
"It's Gotta Be YOU!" A One Direction Love Story (chapter 2)
As you were sitting on the hard, cold bench, you could just feel the crimson color filling your cheeks. Why wouldn't they be red? I mean, seriously. You just walked into your best friend's house, scared to death because you tho...
8 / 16
Do I have ADHD or ADD?
I can't sit still for long periods of time and sometimes (mostly in math class) I zone out and miss the lesson i'm learning.I ALWAYS leave math and writing to the last minute unless i'm typing and the only time I can sit still ...
8 / 2
help me with this babysitting
hi i baby sit this kid and hes a perv and hes nine what do i do im 14
8 / 21
Cats vs Dogs! witch is better?
come on tell us please pick cats but dogs are mutts like gale!
20 / 11
How do I find out who I am?
I'm a 17 year old boy who is about to graduate and attempt to start my life. I messed around in school and ended up not making it into my local university. I haven't told my mom this because I told her my plan was to go in the ...
8 / 9