legends.up.to.me's Questions

legends.up.to.me asked 7 questions
What's your opinion on Diary Of A Wimpy Kid?
Do you read the books? Or the movies? Or both? I watched the movies since a couple of days ago. I bet it's awesome, I just need your opinion.
3 / 0 profile question
What do you think about history?
I like learning things from the past, do you? Answer this question!
3 / 0
Favorite animal!
What is your favorite animal(s) and why do you like them? Answer now.
6 / 0
Who else watches Horrible Histories?
I know I do, how about you? YES? NO?
5 / 0
Do you think art is fun?
I think art is really awesome, what about you? Do you think it's cool? I'd bet!
4 / 0
If you had a bunny what would his\her name be?
Is he\she a girl? A boy? These names can tell. Isn't it weird how Sam is a boy's name and a girl's name? Yeah, but anyways have fun!
10 / 0
Do you think you're good at writing?
This is only are book writers, so I was just wondering if you think you're an author or not.
3 / 0