joshiegie's Page Subscriptions

joshiegie is subscribed to 4 pages
Asylum RP
Come to the Hansfield Rehabilitation Center for those with Disorders or more properly known as the Hansfield Asylum. If you feel crazy, this is the place to be.
62 subscribers 5 members fully opened
Wanna play Truth or Dare?
Here are the rules: 1. no offensive, violent, or sexual stuff 2. you HAVE to do ALL dares and answer ALL the questions that follow the rules 3. have fun!
35 subscribers 7 members fully opened profile page
Your qoutes
Post your OWN qoutes (not already that exists) and blag blah blah :D :)
13 subscribers 19 members
Qfeast Roll Call
sup hoes. this is a good quality™ page i promise y'all (well it'll probs be deleted soon but that's ok with me tbh)
68 subscribers 57 members fully opened profile page