icy_winter's Starred Questions

icy_winter has 7 starred questions
Who is your best friend from Hogwarts?
Harry Malfoy Ron Hermione
3 / 0
Do you sometimes just go on Qfeast for your notifications?
Because I know some people would go on qfeast and just look at their notifications and go off XD
6 / 0
What your favorite flavor, just any flavor?
Hi I’m syawataM, I like purple flavor
2 / 2
upvote peoples answers to this question. it gives u reputation points.
There was a little confusuion about this, but you get reputation points when someone upvotes your answer to a question. i know its not very clear in the title. sorry about that.
27 / 293
Who wants a facepalm button on qfeast?
Sometimes there are comments that you read them and you think 'Sweet Mother Of God!!' or other thing.Don't you want a facepalm button for those situations?
199 / 496
What do you guys think of my face paint I did? :3
yush I made this design on my face, by myself, with nothing but facepaint so whatdya think?^^
11 / 6
What animal do you want to be?
If you could change into at animal, and live their life, which animal would you chose? All animals excepted, mythical, made up, and humans. Also know animals, so who would you pick?
9 / 0