can i make a playlist for someone :P

idek what you even like- like to listen too- i-
on February 04, 2021

on February 04, 2021

:p thanks
on February 04, 2021

okiii :PP
on February 04, 2021

on February 04, 2021
on February 04, 2021

"are you okay?"
"im fine"
F- faking a smile
I- Insecure
N- Numb to everything
E- Emotionally unstable See More
Oi, at least I'm not lying
"are you okay?"
"im fine"
F- faking a smile
I- Insecure
N- Numb to everything
E- Emotionally unstable See More
Oi, at least I'm not lying
on February 01, 2021

lmao im slowly going back to my dark place that I tried SO hard to get out of <3
on February 01, 2021

on January 20, 2021

bts moments i think about a lot while throwing it back (bts crack)
hey its your baddie here~ back at it again uwu perya poout ????○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●twt/intsa: @jinsalamiytbusiness email: [email protected]...
on January 20, 2021

bts struggling to hide their crack on american interviews 2019
idk what to say ???○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●twt/intsa: @jinsalamiytbusiness email: [email protected]○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●affiliate lin...
on January 20, 2021

bts struggling to hide their crack on american interviews 2020 (bts crack)
hey yall idk what to say pls choke ajdhbakjdbabj ????○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●•○•●twt/intsa: @jinsalamiytbusiness email: [email protected]○•●•○•●•○...
on January 20, 2021

BTS BEING DISRESPECTFUL A.K.A DADDIES - YouTube AboutPressCopyrightContact usCreatorsAdvertiseDevelopersTermsPrivacyPolicy & SafetyHow YouTube worksTest new features © 2021 Google LLC
on January 20, 2021

ive planned out my life:
13: drop everyone but family & friends
14: Get a job
15: get my permit
16: Get my license and a car duhhhhhhh
17: Find an apartment & job in England
18: Graduate, move and adopt or have a kid See More
19: nothing
20: nothing
21: go out w/ Medina, Kaleah, Ariyah,etc.
22: Marry someone thats not american bc im tired of these people (unless me and kaleah are still together duhhh)
23+ Live how I want not how my parents want me to.
13: drop everyone but family & friends
14: Get a job
15: get my permit
16: Get my license and a car duhhhhhhh
17: Find an apartment & job in England
18: Graduate, move and adopt or have a kid See More
19: nothing
20: nothing
21: go out w/ Medina, Kaleah, Ariyah,etc.
22: Marry someone thats not american bc im tired of these people (unless me and kaleah are still together duhhh)
23+ Live how I want not how my parents want me to.
on January 19, 2021


i have 27, one is now d e a d. dumb bitchboy had to kill him like... nuh uh keep your hands off of ash kill lee yut-lung instead like tf... ash was running to eiji whyd you kill him like... ash didnt even do anything to your brother yet omg. whyd you kill him its unbeleiveable AND THEN THE DUMBASS LIBRAIAN SAID SOME "sir, you cant sleep in here. SIR GET UP! Must See More be having a nice dream" *she walks away* LIKE OMG NO CHECK IF HES ALIVE DUMBASS OMG I WILL FUCCING KILL YOU IVE LEARNED ALOT FROM TED BUNDY AND ASH NOW CHECK IF HES FUCCING ALIVE "*libraian helps other person instead* DUMB BITCH DIDNT CHECK IF HE WAS ALIVE LIKE HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF I MADE YOR BOSS THINK YOU WERE SLEEPING ON THE JOB BUT INSTEAD YOU HAD A STAB WOUND AND YOU WERE DEAD LIKE OMG LOGICAL THINKING OLD ASS 85 YEAR OLD WOMAN LIKE SHOULDNT YOU BE RETIRED? Anyway, さようなら :)
on January 19, 2021

on January 19, 2021
on January 19, 2021

currently crying bc eiji was shot #husbandmightbedeadbutidkbcihaventwatchedthenextepisodeyet #nowimawatchthenextepisodeandcryevenmore
on January 19, 2021

Ash, Eiji, Sing, & Yut-Lung are hot dude ?? like shoot me, slice my throat, and choke me with that stringy thingy ? JUST KILL ME BRUH ID DIE FOR YOU GUYS NDEIJKAWBHCSJM
on January 15, 2021

I like vaping ????
on January 15, 2021

Scar- Left Arm
Tattoo- Left Hand - star
Tattoo- Left Hand - star; nushroom
Tattoo- Right Bicep - moon
Tattoo- Right Neck - Moon on right neck
Tattoo- Upper Right Shoulder - a Sun. See More
Yo, stop stalking my dad bruh only me and my mom can do that
Scar- Left Arm
Tattoo- Left Hand - star
Tattoo- Left Hand - star; nushroom
Tattoo- Right Bicep - moon
Tattoo- Right Neck - Moon on right neck
Tattoo- Upper Right Shoulder - a Sun. See More
Yo, stop stalking my dad bruh only me and my mom can do that
on January 14, 2021

on January 14, 2021

dudeeeeeeeee my mom just told me yesterday that when my snitch of a sister told her that i wanted to talk to my dad my mom ACTUALLY LOOKED for him but hes in some weird place and theres no number :') I hate this

on January 14, 2021
on January 14, 2021


on January 14, 2021

on January 14, 2021

on January 14, 2021

look at my other commentttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
on January 14, 2021

i finally got a website to watch banana fish on bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
on January 14, 2021
on January 14, 2021

soooo likeeeeee anyone wanna buy the stuff out of my cart for me? its onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 415.54 moneyz ??????

i beg you ??????????????????????????????????????????????????✨✨???????????????????✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
on January 13, 2021
on January 13, 2021