gothicskittlescupcake's Starred Questions - Page 3

gothicskittlescupcake has 49 starred questions
what would u say if someone said u are stupid?
plz no bad words, and no inappropriate stuff
17 / 9
What is the best drink? (1)
3 / 3 profile question
What is the best school subject?
9 / 9 profile question
What anime is most popular of all time?
this is not What you FAVORITE anime is but what anime is most popular.
5 / 0 profile question
If you could be anyone from anime ,a film or TV Series who would you be?
Anyone you like from anything who would it be.
7 / 0 profile question
If you could be any one in the world who would you be?
Whats your favorite soda?
3 / 0 profile question
favorite song from BVB?
I just want to know! mine is Heaven's calling.
5 / 2
Can we get rid of haters?!
*Sigh* treelover, BobbyTheMob, jayswaggs, and more. Can we please just drive them out? If any one of them post on this, I'm not going to delete it. I'm going to sit here and laugh at their idiocy. Anyways, what I wanted to say...
7 / 2