enchantia's Questions

enchantia asked 6 questions
Do you feel lonely at times? Why?
There might be times when u think no one is there for you, and there is no for you to Lean onto.
5 / 0
How do u know if u like a guy or if a guy likes u
I do no cuz I'm not sure if I like a guy of if a guy likes me
5 / 0
Why do they call qfeast " QFEAST"?
Just wondering cuz I hv no idea.
17 / 6
How do u control ur younger siblings?
I'm asking this becuz they are driving me crazy right now
10 / 1
Would u live ur family forever for fame and fortune?
How much d u love ur family.
5 / 2
Why do people scream crazily for stars e.g Justin Bieber?
Just wondering cuz they are also humans like us.
6 / 2