Rawr2002's Questions - Page 2

Rawr2002 asked 53 questions
How would you describe the world today in one sentence?
What do you think of this world
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What are 3 things that piss you off?
Name 3 things that adults do that make you super pissted. 1) -Adults who are always looking over your shoulder trying to see what you are doing online (it's not like I'm looking up porn) 2)- Adults who think everything is ina...
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What is your favourite thing about Easter?
How would you describe your ideal man (girls only)?
Ladies, discribe your ideal lover. His Name: Age: Looks: Body type: Personally:
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How would you describe your ideal woman (guys only)?
Boys, discribe your ideal woman her Name: Age: Looks: Body type: Personally:
11 / 9
What is the best type of romance?
What is the best type of romance, in your opinion. Any type of romance.
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Boys what do you think a girl likes, and girls what do you think a boy likes?
What do you think attracts the opposite sex?
17 / 12
What anime character would you like to marry?
Any anime character
17 / 1
What is your favourite miku song?
Miku is my favourite Vocaloaid character, what is her best song in your opinion (Mines wanna die)
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Do you like to eat fast food and why?
What are some of the things you need for a new kitten?
Hey I'm getting a new kitten, he is old enough for me to pick him up in 7 weeks time. What are some of the things I need, for his arrival.
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What holiday do you h@te?
Mines vallentines day, it's pointless and only makes single people feel like crap. Then it would be Easter, just a stupid time to gain waight.
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Do you get judged because you have some forum of disability?
I do... Does anything like this happen to you?
3 / 3 profile question
What anime character would you?
Date ? Sleep with? Be friends with? Kill ?
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Who is your OTP?
Mine is KiritoXsinon (or Kirinon)
2 / 0 profile question
Favourite anime shipping?
What's your favourite anime shipping? Mine is Kirinon (KiritoXsinon) from sword art online
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what is your fave animal?
1 / 0 profile question
Do you have a anime crush?
I'm not alsking who :D, but I just want to know if you do
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