cutiepie32102's Questions

cutiepie32102 asked 5 questions
What does it mean when you blackout?
Okay so I was feeling dizzy this morning and then I got in the shower and when I got out I broke into a cold sweat got light headed and still felt dizzy. I went into my room and blackout. Apparently I feel down and hit my head...
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Does NJHS send a rejection letter
So I'm in the 6 grade and all my friends got there letter for NJHS yesterday I have checked the mail and no letter so do they send a rejection letter and if so before or after the acceptance letters
0 / 0 profile question
Boys!Help me out Boys!
Okay so there is this boy let's call him T. So T told me at lunch a few weeks ago that he liked me and I told him I liked him he said that he liked me like 90%. But then I found out that he told my friend that he liked her and ...
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What songs do you think I would like
Hey guys so I'm 12 and I love all forms of music from country to rap and everthing in between so list your favs in the comments below and don't be to worried about it being to adult :-)
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I'm I to young to babysit
I'm 12years old I'm taking a babysitting course at the red cross in a few days I have helped my mom my moms friend and my church babysit I have looked after my 5year old brother for a hour before I'm very mature have a phone kn...
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