
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Congrats boi! You're actually someone that doesn't get on my nerves! GOOD FOR YOU, PAL!
on February 17, 2021
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You're part of the Bakusquad!
You're part of the Bakusquad!
You're part of the Bakusquad! You're a very energetic person, and you love to hang out with the squad! You've befriended everyone in the class! Including Bakugo! (and he has a crush on you) (If you're a boy, Mina likes you) The members have something to say....

Sero: ¡Son un miembro del equipo realmente agradable! ¡Disfruto pasar el rato con ellos! (They are a really nice team member! I enjoy hanging out with them!)
Mina: They're awesome! I enjoy being around them! Plus, I'm not the only girl in the squad anymore!
Denki: They're the best! We play video games a lot! But they always beat me.... Who cares! They're so cool!
Kirishima: They inspire me everyday! I want to be somewhat like them. I love having them around! And, they always manage to calm BakuBro down!
Bakugo: Tch. I don't care the damn extra. (squad: Y/N AND KATSUKI SITTIN' IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!) *Blushes*
on February 17, 2021
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Being a lesbian is ok. You love girls, but not men. You may see men as friends, but nothing more. Your a hardcore lesbian! Call me?
on February 17, 2021
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on February 17, 2021