babygurl129's Page Memberships

babygurl129 is a member of 3 pages
Who here uses "lol" a lot? I do! If you love to laugh, join this page! Once you're a member, post funny (and appropriate) jokes and wait for the lols!
6 subscribers 9 members
The Dork Diaries Page!
Have you read Dork Diaries? If you had come on and join this page! it says i need to say more so cfedjncieruhfjcn
11 subscribers 6 members
The Big Bang Theory
This is not a question. The Big Bang Theory has been on our screens since 2006 and is still going to this day unless you are reading this after 2014 then I am sorry because it may not still be on, but with Sheldon Cooper,Lenar...
2 subscribers 3 members