XxSad_Little_LionxX's Starred Questions

XxSad_Little_LionxX has 4 starred questions
Do you like Narwhals?
I like Narwhals, do you?
15 / 11
Have you heard of Evanescence?
I love Evanescence. There my favorite band and I mostly enjoy their songs like "Bring Me to Life" or "Fallen". So I wonder have you herd of Evanescence?
4 / 1 profile question
What animal do you think you are?
I want to see of what people think of themselves as animals! Also can you please comment below on what animal you think I am because I don't know what animal I am!
15 / 9
whats the best pokemon?
Pokémon gotta catch em all!
6 / 6 profile question