WifeOfLaughingJack's Questions

WifeOfLaughingJack asked 3 questions
What in my next step for you all?
Hey! I was thinking you all can help me in finding something to do for you all! All I do is upload pictures for you and need to do something more exciting, I'm REALLY clueless. I NEED your help!
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Which Creepypasta Do You Like?
Who do you think is the hottie? GIVE YOUR REASON! Mine are Masky and Jeff. Masky because he likes Cheesecake, (I wonder what he looks like?). Jeff because I would be curious on how it would go.
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What kind of stuff would you like me to do? (Storys, Quizs, ect.)
I just started and I need your help. I have no idea what to write for ya'll. I want to write something that involves MLP or Sonic, but I'm clueless. HELP NEEDED!
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