About TinyElephant_And_Flutters

  • Hi! Right now this is Flutters (Xx_Fluttershy_xX) speaking but this account isn't just mine....oh no....it belongs to me AND Tiny Elephant (LittleMixerArianator) We decided to create an account together for our story we are going to write together! So both me and Tiny Elephant will use this account.
    Tiny Elephant now! What we know about our story so far is that it will be called 'Olivia' and it will be about a girl who runs away!

    (Flutters now) So we hope you enjoy our story!

    Follow us individually:

    Tiny Elephant: http://www.qfeast.com/LittleMixerArianator

    Flutters: http://www.qfeast.com/Xx_Fluttershy_xX
  • Gender Female
  • Joined Qfeast on November 19, 2013