TicciTobyPsycho's Questions

TicciTobyPsycho asked 6 questions
what is your definition of insanity?
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face reveal?
Hello fluffies! I’m just wondering... would anyone want me to do a face reveal?
2 / 0 profile question
Is this weird? (1)
Merry meet! So I just wanted to ask the general public... here goes. So, I honestly hate myself. But, I love other people... no matter how much they hurt me. Making others happy and feel good about themselves makes me happy. I ...
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What is your greatest phobia?
Merry meet! What are you most afraid of? I have arachnophobia coulrophobia, acrophobia, Astrophobia, Athazagoraphobia and Parturiphobia. Yes I have a lot of fears. But this isn’t about me... it’s about you! What are your phobias?
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Who is your favorite creepypasta shipping?
Merry meet! My favorite ships is Ticci Toby and clockwork. What is yours?
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What is your opinion on todays society?
Hello lovelies! I personally don’t have a problem. I just wish people would accept people for who they are no who they want them to be.
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