TeamFoxface's Questions

TeamFoxface asked 18 questions
Who should I follow?
Please don't say yourself :)
2 / 0 profile question
What is your favorite song? (2)
1 / 0 profile question
Which movie is better?
Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Pitch Perfect?
3 / 0 profile question
What is the best school subject?
9 / 9 profile question
What is the best drink? (1)
3 / 3 profile question
Do people usually follow you back?
Sometimes people don't follow me back and I was wondering if that happens to anyone else.
9 / 3
Why were some of my questions removed from Qfeast?
I had a couple of my questions removed from Qfeast and I don't know why. I think that they followed all of the guidelines though.
0 / 0 profile question
Was Frozen a good movie?
I was just wondering who liked frozen and who didn't
24 / 34
Ideas for a story?
I have never made a story before and I would really like to. The only problem is that I don't have any ideas for one. So if anyone has any good ideas, please tell me. And then if you want to be in one of the stories, also comme...
4 / 2 profile question
Which color is your favorite?
1 / 0 profile question
Should I change my username?
I know that some people are changing their username and I was wondering if I should too.
0 / 0 profile question
How often do you go on qfeast?
I was just wondering how often and for how long most people go on qfeast.
20 / 10
Who is your favorite FNAF character?
Which of the Five Nights at Freddy's characters is your favorite?
12 / 2
How can I get more subscribers?
I was just wondering if anyone knows a way to just get a couple more subscribers!
4 / 2
I am going to make a new quiz, what should it be about?
I just need ideas for a new personality or scored quiz. After writing an idea, please say if it should be for a personality or scored quiz. Thanks!
0 / 0 profile question
Who is your favorite dance mom?
Is you favorite dance mom Holly, Melissa, Jill, Christi, Kelly or Cathy?
1 / 0
Is anyone exited for Catching Fire?
I really can't wait for Catching Fire to be released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 / 4 profile question
is foxface the best hunger games character?