
Hi my name is ambrosia and i am 15. I am a BUBBLY, CRAZY, RANDOM, SMART AND A CHILDISH PERSON. I lover music with a passion. I am a totally cool person but if you get me mad i turn See More▼
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The Thirteenth District
The Capitol thought they killed everyone in District 13, they thought wrong. During the games Ambrosia would reveal herself. Will the Capitol accept her and her big secret be revealed or would President Snow would do anything t...
10 reads 7 readers 0
on October 26, 2014
Hey People just chilling crusing through life and I have a TRANSFORMERS CRAZE!!!!! IM IN LOVE WITH OPTIMUS PRIME RIGHT NOW!!!!<3
on October 25, 2014
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on October 25, 2014
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on October 25, 2014