Superkawaishiper added a new chapter to Sans x reader Lost and Broken hope

Losses and New c....? Students?
Y/n woke up it was THAT day. She wore the school uniform(pic up top) and her headphones. She went outside where her friend Kai was waiting to walk to school. Y/n: Hi Kai. Kai: Oh....Yeah Hi....Y/n...... its...um really....SUNNY TODAY. Y/n: Kai I'm fine ok. Kai: I was just worried cause THAT day effected us so much. *you sigh* Kai is a loving and friendly person but she worries to much. Y/n: ok lets go then. *while walking you see to strange boys.* You observe them. One has some kind of orange...
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on November 02, 2017

Please tell me which pic to use for the story cover credit to the makers they are all great pieces.
on November 02, 2017

on November 01, 2017