SugarPlum's Polls
SugarPlum published 43 polls

What home stuck ancestors do u like best?

Coffee or tea?

Which hedgehog from sonic the hedgehog is the worst?

Which Mario princess is the worst?

Princess peach or Zelda?

Who's the biggest nerd?

Thoughts on Buckets_are_life

who is your smol child? (osomatsu-san)

What Is the most cringest fandom ever?

Who would win at making face competition?

What should Freddiedoll be this Halloween?

Which one? (21)

Which SU ship is the best?

Which shorty?

Which one? (19)

Which redesign do u like better?

Which Homestuck troll character do you think is the best?

Is freddiedoll a Karamatsu girl?

What super smash bros game did u love the most?