Shardfire's Questions

Shardfire asked 3 questions
Favorite singer that sings in another language?
I didnt know how to word the question, but my favorite is Indila and she sings in French
7 / 0
Will my friend's relationship last?
She barely even lets him talk to other girls, even though I've known him for 5 years and she's known him for 2 at the most. She also gets mad if we mess with him. She is never away from him and is always hugging or kissing him....
2 / 0
Is my friends roleplay character op/mary sue?
I know she probably is but heres the info: She has wings, is a shapeshifter, a demon, an angel, another mode we call nightmare, healing powers, can make anything she or someone else needs appear out of thin air, teleportation, ...
4 / 0 profile question