Redpandaddaj's Questions

Redpandaddaj asked 11 questions
Why do people not like dad jokes?
Sure they aren't the Betsy, but why?
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Can you find your name in the crossword?
It's easier then you think. I insure you that your name is there. Don't tell the answer when you find it!
1 / 0 profile question
What is this mystery item?
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why do others not like me as a Christian?
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What do you like to do best in your spare time?
What do you like to do in your spare time? Some people don't have much, but when you DO what do you do?
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What do you not like most about school?
Honestly I'm fine with school. It sometimes takes lots of dear time though.
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What's the most weird thing that happened to you?
What's the weirdest thing that happens to you? I know lots of weird things happen in life, but honestly, WHO DOSNT HAVE WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN TO THEM
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Who is the best president of the USA?
I think George Washington Abe Lincoln and Regen were good guys!
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What is your opinion on gays?
This isn't to make anyone get mad, I'm curious to see what the the rest of the world thinks!
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what is the most dumb or emberising thing you did?
People are dumb at times. Let's all admit that. Even you and me. What's the most dumb or emberising thing you EVER did. I'm not asking for details to make it more emberising.
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Do you like cats or dogs?
Dogs and cats are both popular but I like the kind, caring, smart, athletic, and loyal dog bets. I think cats are mean lazy and bossy and that they only care for themselves. What are your thoughts?
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