Qmind91 asked a question
Do you think the "game" blue whale is real? (Read description) I just heard about some ...
on May 02, 2017
Qmind91 added a photo to the starred list

on May 02, 2017
Qmind91 added a photo to the starred list

on April 19, 2017
Qmind91 created a poll
What do you think happens after death?
on March 24, 2017
Qmind91 asked a question
What's your favourite korean drama? Of course, you don't need to answer if you haven't ...
on March 06, 2017
Qmind91 created a poll
How many korean dramas have you seen?
on March 06, 2017
Qmind91 created a story
I'm back again
on March 04, 2017
Qmind91 created a poll
How often are you on a device (phone, computer etc.)?
on July 01, 2016
Qmind91 asked a question
What's the best/safest way to walk from entire lenght of europe to entire lenght of asi...
on June 30, 2016
on May 22, 2016
Qmind91 added a photo to the starred list

on May 19, 2016
Qmind91 asked a question
If it would be possible to swap body with an animal, wich animal would you swap body wi...
on May 18, 2016
Qmind91 added a photo to the starred list

on May 17, 2016
Qmind91 added a photo to the starred list

on May 17, 2016
Qmind91 added a photo to the starred list

on May 16, 2016
Qmind91 added a photo to the starred list

on May 13, 2016
Qmind91 created a poll
What do you think of friday the 13th?
on May 13, 2016
Qmind91 created a poll
Who makes the best music according to you?
on May 12, 2016
Qmind91 added a photo to the starred list

on May 11, 2016
Qmind91 added a photo to the starred list

on May 11, 2016