ProjectBlueJay's Page Subscriptions - Page 7

ProjectBlueJay is subscribed to 200 pages
Anime characters behind glass
Welp, there's a lot of cool pictures of anime characters behind glass! So just post em and have fun watching us anime characters be trapped behind your screen! XD
19 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Fantasy RP (1)
Do whatever you want. Anything allowed as long as it is fantasy related. Only three restrictions: 1. Do not swear or use sexual language. 2. Do not create more than 3 characters. 3. No controlling other peoples OC when RPing. J...
9 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Phantomhive Manor Sleepover
Well I decided to have a sleepover so yeah anyone is welcome unless your blonde haired booty short wearing person.XD
11 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
The Roblox Page
well we cantalk about roblox and tell our usernames on it and end friend requests to each other on Roblox
2 subscribers 4 members
Anime characters: guess it.
In this page I'll post some little descriptions of anime characters or pics and quotes, and you have to guess it.
12 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Alois and I had this crazy idea to have a virtual glitter war! Join us on our glittery quest for website domination! xD
7 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
The Occult Club
This will somewhat be like the Yandere Simulator Occult Club. You can post spells/rituals and upload Occult related photos. We will have club activities where we will all participate in a spell together. Club activities are eve...
6 subscribers 7 members fully opened
Request @Tylnapp to Draw!
This is a page that has everything in the title. If you want, you can request an image, or idea to be drawn. I would like to request anyone who comes on here to follow these few rules though. 1) Nothing too provocative 2) Small...
9 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
anyone who is a cosplayer or has images of cosplayers can post images here. It doesn't matter if you consider the cosplay as professional or not, all is welcome.
24 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Immortal Camp
Hey fellow Qfeasters,it's Violet here,and I just thought that Qfeast could use some more camp role plays,but this isn't any normal role play,It's for Immortal kids,They can have powers,be shapeshifters etc.,but please make sure...
5 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
Ruler of Qfeast competiton!
We will have many competitions to determine who is the ruler of Qfeast.Person with the lowest score in each competition will get eliminated.Some competitions will be games or other stuff idk yet.
11 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
When you see it you'll sh*t brickz
you know those photos you see on Instagram and stuff, well look up When you see it, You can post it on here and comment where you see if :D
36 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Cringe Page
Post the cringiest and dumbest things on here. That's it and stuff because of the word limit.
9 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
This page is for people who loves anime. You can post anything that is part of any anime. Welcome! *Please no cursing.*
40 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Quotes By Yourself
Here we post quotes that we made, if you want you can add a story behind it. It doesn't have to be serious. For example, heres one I said while playing a video game with my cousin Luke a couple weeks ago when I went to Pennsylv...
10 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Bree, Princesscrystalkat and I are ON A SUGAR HIGH! I want to invite you all to join us! Candy, cake, cupcakes, pure sugar, and other sugary things will be provided!
8 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Five Nights at Freddy's
Five Nights at Freddy's will let you do anything!Share opinions,Roleplay,Theories,Beliefs,And more!
11 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Ciel and Alois fan page
OK so I Ciel made a page for myself then Alois made a page for himself.Now we made a page together!Ask us questions and dare us and stuff like that.
35 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Qfeasters react!
Here, you post a picture and see how people react. Enjoy. No rules! Just put a content warning if necessary.
14 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Letters to your crush,girlfriend, or boyfriend
Welcome all, do you have any crushes or are dating and wanna write a letter to them? Well if so, you can here on this page. Type a letter to your crush/gf/bf and tell them how you feel. Hope you enjoy.
20 subscribers 1 member fully opened