PrimGrangerHungerPotter's Page Memberships

PrimGrangerHungerPotter is a member of 2 pages
Make a Character!
This page is to make your own character (Well duh)! Instructions: 1. Name 2. Hair color 3. Eye color 4. Likes 5. Dislikes 6. Personality 7. Gender 8. Pets 9. Name of pet (if it has one) 10. Hobbies.... And you can add any other...
14 subscribers 12 members fully opened
So....I Need Help..
This is a page to where only certain people of whom I think is fit to answer questions can become members. Ask about anything, such as relationships, love, friends, abuse, bullies, and we will try to give you the best advice th...
10 subscribers 16 members fully opened