I'm starting to think your creating more than one profile, 3 to be exact.
on January 16, 2015

Hahaha Girl your Hair looks a hot mess it Needs to be Brushed
on January 16, 2015

ok ill Be your Girlfriend only if i dont talk to Anybody wlse without your Permission
on January 15, 2015

on January 15, 2015

Hahaha ok im Niecy nice to meet you Also
on January 15, 2015

hellow im niecy

Hi !
I m new to qfeast too.
Well nice to meet you. Hope we can be great friends.
And yah welcome to qfeast. :">
I m new to qfeast too.
Well nice to meet you. Hope we can be great friends.
And yah welcome to qfeast. :">
on January 14, 2015
on January 14, 2015

hellow im Niecy
on January 14, 2015

My Grandma Drunk viger Before Cuz her Blood Pressure was high
on January 13, 2015

Hahaha Eww...
on January 13, 2015

Have you Bath in viniger Before
on January 13, 2015

No i am not Bathing in viniger
on January 13, 2015

i Hate viniger it Smells so Bad
on January 13, 2015

And the life guard's had viniger to Sprsy on the Cuts
on January 13, 2015

they Stung Everybody
on January 13, 2015

oh it was Funny the last time i was at the Beach Cuz a Storm had Came and washed up sll the Jellyfish es and when my Cousin was in the water he had Gotten Stung it was So funny
on January 13, 2015

Country isn't my kind of music
on January 13, 2015

the kind of music i listen to is Rnb Soul Hip hop Anything that Makes me Dance
on January 13, 2015

uh yeah thats my opinion
on January 13, 2015