I could never honestly get into nightcore >~< listening to it gives me a headache and I'd rather listen to my classical music.

Hi I'm theresa
on August 16, 2015
on August 07, 2015

Is it me or does mike Rowe narrate alot on discovery channel?
on July 15, 2015

*person tells me to look at my follower count* what about 69- *thought goes through head* oh.... -////- how humorous....
on July 15, 2015

I'm in a hate mood, lemme list fandom's that have ridiculously OP characters
Dragonball Z
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Dragonball Z
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on July 13, 2015

Another thing I cannot stand is when a series frequently redesigns a classic character*glares at marvel and DC*
on July 13, 2015

I cannot stand OP characters*glares at the homestuck fandom*

I prefer doctor who, one because its flat out awesome! Two nothing is ever really over powered and almost all things have an explanation
on July 13, 2015
on July 13, 2015

Any doctor who fans out there?
on July 11, 2015