My_Life_is_Crap - Page 2

I only use this account to get rid off my built up emotion so if you wanna see my pathetic worthless life go ahead, but it's kinda personal so just go the hell away. Scratch that, just See More▼
Let's go through my life real quick for the beginning
I was beaten and abused verbally and physically and I had no friends at one point my life was threatened
My dad put an eight inch kitchen knife up to m neck
then I get some "friends" and they all hated me and at this time I'm still being abused by my dad
then I get some real friends and shortly after they kts
this whole time is before the age of ten and I had no parental guidance while my dad would tell me to call my mom terrible See More▼
on June 08, 2017
pros and cons about me
mentally unstable
annoying See More▼
on June 08, 2017
Do you know who I am?
I’m so afraid you’ll never understand
There’s a part of me still lost out there
And I just want to know
Yeah, I just want to know
Am I becoming a hologram?
Now I think I’m worried that I’m in too deep See More▼
on June 08, 2017
confession time
I'm ugly
I'm depressed 24/7
I'm annoying
I'm worthless
I'm pathetic
I don't deserve her or anyone See More▼
on June 08, 2017
I texted her today begging for forgiveness like she's my god and she didn't care. I'm trying to let go, but I can't
on June 08, 2017
At least I know she's happier without me. I can at least have a little joy knowing that something I did took stress off of her shoulders and made her a little happier in life, it just hurts knowing that it took me leaving to do that. I want her happy and that is all. I've done my job
on May 31, 2017
It's true she doesn't care about me and wants me to leave. She hates me after all I did for her. Why was I treated like this. I leave and she doesn't care, but brooklyn leaves and she's all sad and it's even more sad when brookyn takes my side
on May 29, 2017
I don't wanna watch her go, I care about her too much, but this is what she wants and I must respect that. I care about her so much and I hope she knows that.
on May 29, 2017
She didn't even fight back she just let us go
on May 29, 2017
I really do love her, but it was clear she didn't love me by the way she treated me so I had to go. I didn't want to be shady though and not tell her why. I'm gonna miss her and it's gonna be hard to live without her, but this is what she wants. She didn't care about me and made feel like I wasn't worth anyone's time. Why did she have to do this to me. All I ever did was try, but she only hated it. I guess she hates me. She doesn't care that I left and that's what makes all this See More▼
on May 29, 2017
I've been getting scared way to easily. I'm having panic attacks and I've been hyperventilating. I've been having nightmares about losing her and not getting much sleep because of it. I'm seriously falling apart. Ok so she thinks someone will care about me like she did and says that I just have to open my eyes and that there's way better people than her, but like trust me I f_cking did that's why she was the only one who f_cking cared because literally no one did or does. I feel See More▼
on May 29, 2017
that quote has more meaning in my life than ever
on May 26, 2017
sometimes the only reason why you can't let go of what's making you sad is because it was the only thing making you happy.
on May 26, 2017
I lost everything and it's all my selfish fault. I didn't realize what I had till it walked away. My life truly is crap.
on May 26, 2017
its over. its done for. i was right. she did it
on May 26, 2017
uploaded a photo
My_Life_is_Crap's Photo 0
on May 26, 2017
ok so I need to man up and the guy she wants because that's my job I don't care about anyone else, but her. I will try my hardest for her.
on May 26, 2017
I think she's gonna break up with me
on May 26, 2017
either I'm slow at typing or i put way to much thought into that because that took like half an hour to type
on May 25, 2017
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for her. She thinks I'm only with her because I gave her an object that means a lot to me and I promised to never leave her (I NEVER break promises. I do find loop holes and sometimes I forget about them, but only the ones that aren't as meaningful). She at least knows I try for her, but I don't think she knows how much. What most people don't notice or see is that she treats me like I'm the worst person ever and it makes me feel hated See More▼
on May 25, 2017