Mory707 - Page 2

I am an angel, and I have short black hair, and I wear tan trench coats, and blue ties, I have some friends, like Dean, Sam, Ruby, And Meg..
created a scored quiz
How much do you know about Supernatural? (3)
Only a intense SPN fan can do this quiz but it's not so hard that it will be like algebra it's just tricky and fun, can you get all 20 questions right? Well, let's find out.
9 responses 3
on November 04, 2016
created a personality quiz
Could you be able to be my friend? (1)
I don't think much people will do this quiz because who really cares If you could be friends with me or not if people do take it that means they like me so, thank you in advance
1 response 1 profile quiz
on November 04, 2016
created a personality quiz
What Misha Collins Character are you?
Are you Castiel or are you Paul or are you someone else? Well how about we find out!
7 responses 0
on November 03, 2016
I got Castiel
Very very right
Even though Castiel was made as an angel - a machine without emotions or feelings, he's raised (or fallen if you will) and discovered the power of feeling. Apart from Sammy, Dean loves him the most for he is his best friend.

He is loyal, but not stupid. He can tell when loyalty becomes an obcession. And although he did some bad things, he always did them with good intenions.
You know what they say - "A path to damnation is paved with good intentions"
on November 03, 2016