About Meme_L0rd

    You are ? ? ??????? ? ?
    Be who you want ?? ??
    Your gender ?? ?????
    Your comfort is ♥ important ♥
    Remember that ? ???? ???
    You're amazing, don't ever think you're not
    "all the water in in the ocean can't sink a ship, and all the negativity of people can't pull you down, unless you let it in"
    ✨ "Pain doesn't have just downsides, you can learn from it.
    Physical pain let's you know you're alive. Emotional pain let you know you're a human" ✨ ~ @Lightstriker195

    ? "You look amazing today. Youre amazing in general. I care so much about you. Dont stop fighting." ? ~ @KazooKid

    ? "I know it hurts just to wake up whenever you're wearing thin. Alone on the outside, so tired of looking in. The end is uncertain, and I know you've never been so afraid. But you don't need a telescope to see that there's hope, and that should make you feel brave." ? ~ @sleepysuga

    ? "you're beautiful; don't let anyone think you're not" ? ~ @Milk_And_Cookies

    There is always someone who loves you.
    There is always someone who cares.
    Don't end yourself you are amazing." ~ @Taesthetic

    ? "You can't stop the rain from drenching a person unless you give them an umbrella" ? ~ @Steven_Universe_Fandom_Queen

    ?We love you!! No matter what happens, we always do!!?
  • Gender Male
  • Born on April 03, 2002
  • Joined Qfeast on August 16, 2016