Lillypad354's Starred Questions

Lillypad354 has 9 starred questions
Describe Qfeast in one word.
45 / 75
Do you know some good YouTubers?
I like Pewdepie and smosh etc. who is your favourite?
104 / 118
Are you a popular person?
There is cheerleader/jocks, cool guys/girls, bookworms/strong guy, in the middle people, nerds, dorks, geeks.
36 / 28
why did you join Qfeast?
9 / 0
Qfeast fans: What features would you like to see added next?
We can make Qfeast better than everything else!
291 / 1030
What is your dream?
Write what you wish would happen, what you want to be,ect. Be as creative as you want!
9 / 2
what mythical creature is your favorite ?
Pet, or person
5 / 0
If it would be possible to swap body with an animal, wich animal would you swap body with?
I would swap body with a cat cause they're cute, curious and acrobatic. If they fall they can survive the fall by reflexes. They also said to have 9 lives ^^
8 / 3
whats your opinion on BreLink? (Bree and i)
be honest
6 / 9