Kyla_and_Emma_Bunny's Starred Questions

Kyla_and_Emma_Bunny has 7 starred questions
Who here's likes juggalo rappers?
I will post some pics of some on this I'm just curious
5 / 0 profile question
what do you stress about most?
what i stress about most: - School - tests - exams - Maths - bullies so what do you stress about?
4 / 6
What am I known in Qfeast?
Just wondering :3
4 / 3 profile question
Describe Qfeast in one word.
45 / 75
what do you think the meaning of life is?
what do you think the meaning of life is? as in what it was made for what we were made to do?
9 / 4
Who do you ship with Lapis_Lazuli?
Who do you ship with me? (HAS TO BE A BOY! Because I am a girl) Can be a qfeaster, TV character, etc.
0 / 0 profile question