KatyKatGirl's Questions

KatyKatGirl asked 3 questions
Please help me! What's going on here?
So I have a female cat. She is usually playful and runs around a lot. She will wind herself around my legs every time she sees me. But the thing is, that has stopped lately. She is only 1 hear 2 months. Shes getting kinda fat. ...
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Am I the only one who thinks Raiden from MGS is cute?
Yeah so, I'm playing Metal Gear Rising and I say to myself Man, Raiden's cute. But am i the only one?
0 / 0 profile question
I am 11 years old and I'm still sleep with things at night
I am 11 years old, but i still sleep with thinbs at niht, and I'm like, wtf. Am i too old for that?
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