JKRowling - Page 9

I am not the real J.K. Rowling, sadly. I just really love her work! About me: I have 2 younger brothers, I swim year-round and soon on Varsity for high school, I do track. I used to See More▼
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JKRowling's Photo 2
on September 14, 2013
asked a question
Who watchs Downton Abbey?
This a series in England before world war one. The entertaining tale of Lady Mary, Edith, and Sybill and their parents and the battle for the estate. I love this so much and the fourth season is coming out in January! does anyb...
5 / 0
on September 14, 2013
created a personality quiz
What to do when you are bored quiz
This is a quiz that tells you what you should do when you get bored. I know I do all the time so here it goes
42 responses 5
on September 14, 2013
uploaded a photo
JKRowling's Photo 1
on September 11, 2013
uploaded a photo
JKRowling's Photo 1
on September 11, 2013
created a personality quiz
What is your patronous from Harry Potter
This is a test to see what your patronous is if you were actually at Hogwarts
75 responses 15
on September 08, 2013
Hey I'm doing 1D imagine, if you want I can do one with you!
on September 07, 2013
created a personality quiz
Are you depressed, really happy, sad, or not emotional
I have friends who are all one of the following. It gets hard to handle sometimes but read the warning signs before you go somewhere you don't want to go
68 responses 9
on September 07, 2013
uploaded a photo
JKRowling's Photo 1
on September 07, 2013
uploaded a photo
JKRowling's Photo 1
on September 07, 2013
uploaded a photo
JKRowling's Photo 1
on September 07, 2013
uploaded a photo
JKRowling's Photo 1
on September 05, 2013
uploaded a photo
JKRowling's Photo 1
on September 05, 2013
Who has a pottermore account? If so then what house are you in
I do. I actually have four. One for each house but I didn't plan that. If you want to be my friend then friend me on this account: NimbusShadow13718. Its my Hufflepuff and my first account. If you don't have one then MAKE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in Slytherin, Lol...
on September 06, 2013
Ravenclaw + Hufflepuff
on September 04, 2013
I'm in Ravenclaw
on September 04, 2013
on September 04, 2013
uploaded a photo
JKRowling's Photo 1
on September 04, 2013
uploaded a photo
JKRowling's Photo 1
on September 04, 2013
Should I continue with my stories
I have made quite a few stories. One is a One Direciton Fan Fiction, another is a Harry Potter romance and another is a story that I am trying to get published but I don't think anyone actually likes my stories. What should I do
Don't take it personally, many great Writer's/Artists aren't recognised immediately. Take Shakespeare, for example, or Van Gogh, both brilliant people, but did not come to fame in their own lifetimes, but look where they are now! If you really do not think people enjoy your work, then why not try a new approach? Switch the genre around a little, to meet peoples See More▼
on September 03, 2013
Don't worry, I have an MLP story that's about to published but I don't think anyone will like it too :(. But don't worry, if someone says that it's bad, ignore it but if all of your readers hate your story, then something is wrong...
on September 03, 2013
Ask people to be honest if they like them or don't.
on September 03, 2013
on September 03, 2013
uploaded a photo
JKRowling's Photo 1
on September 01, 2013
created a personality quiz
What book series you should read
I'm going to give you suggestions on what book you should read next so answer carefully
54 responses 15
on September 01, 2013
uploaded a photo
JKRowling's Photo 1
on September 01, 2013