Horsesxvolleyball's Questions - Page 3

Horsesxvolleyball asked 53 questions
What does P.S mean at the end of a letter?
Just wondering if yall know it. No biggie
3 / 3
9 - 3 divided by 1/3 plus 1
I want you to work it out for one mintue, if you still don't have the answer feel free to look it up.
3 / 0
Who loves qfeast?!
qfeast is so much fun. If you love qfeast then comment below
5 / 5
Do you know these shows?
1. Hey Arnold! 2. Drake and Josh 3. We bare bears 4. Adventure time 5. The amazing world of gumball 6. Regular show 7. Teen titans go! 8. Unikitty 9. Steven universe 10. Powerpuff girls! Most of these are on Cartoon Network,...
6 / 0
Which version of scar do you like?
Which version? You can pick both. Neither? Just type in the comments what's your favorite charater from the lion king, then pick the year 1994 or 2019?
2 / 1
Does anyone know why Zira was exiled from the pride lands on Lion king 2?
Zira was exiled by Simba in the lion king 2, along with other lions that was with her. I don't know how and why Zira got exiled. Comment below if you know the answer.
1 / 0
What percent of 13 is 3?
This test is mainly for a 9th grader who answered a fourth grade question. Good luck to that 9th grader and to all
2 / 0
Can yall solve this math problem? (6)(4) + 3-1=?
This problem is mostly for middle school kids (but any grade level can do this), this problem is also for people who LOVE math. If you don't love math then that's no problem, you don't have to answer this in the comments. If yo...
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What is your favorite character on your favorite show?
Comment below who is your fav person on your fav show. Like all the charaters on your show equally? No prob just comment that you love all the charaters.
6 / 2
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
If you know the answer comment below. This is most likely the easiest for some people. If it is really hard for you I don't mind if you look up the answer. But for the ones who do know the answer just put the answer In the comment
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A dog that can rewind time or a cat that can shapeshift?
Pets are always fun! But what if your pet can have superpowers! You can either have a dog that can rewind time or you can have a cat that can shapeshift into anything you like! Don't want a dog or a cat? No problem! Just commen...
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Do you like Netflix or YouTube or both?
Netflix and YouTube is popular, do you like them both or neither of the two? Comment below if you have a different app you like to watch shows on
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Would you rather have puppies take over the world or kittens?
What if kittens or puppies were going to make humans their slaves? But the problem is the kittens and puppies are fighting over who would take over the world. Help them choose.
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