Hogwarts_Huntress - Page 45

Hola people! I'm @Hogwarts_Huntress, but you can call me Meghan. I am socially awkward and cannot hold a conversation for the life of me unless there are books involved. I am quite See More▼
umm... i have a question/suggestion.

qfeast, when i try to put a background image on my profile it puts it behind my profile picture. can you please make a chage and let me use it as my background image?
on July 26, 2014
asked a question
Riddle Riddle! 2 (in description)
20 kids went into an empty room the fell asleep, and when they woke up there were 24 heads! How is this possible?
8 / 1
on July 25, 2014
asked a question
riddle riddle! (in description!)
A man married 2 people at once! How did he do it without breaking the law?
10 / 12
on July 25, 2014
has become a member of the page
Drawing Contests for All!!!
This is a page for anyone and everyone to come and show off their drawing skillz! I will create a contest each week and judge what is posted. I will post rules on the page so make sure you read them! :D Enjoy!
6 subscribers 13 members fully opened
on July 25, 2014
asked a question
How do you feel about High School story?
i love it! I just started 2 weeks ago, and I hope I'm not the only one that likes it! :O
11 / 0
on July 25, 2014
created a poll
Which youtoube channel is better?
46 votes 16
on July 25, 2014
asked a question
What's your favorite parody on youtube?
Is it after ever after, any of the key of awesome's, or any other? Mine is After ever after 2, and Let it Burn.
3 / 0
on July 24, 2014
created a page
The Crazy Meme Page!
Grumpy cat, Nyan cat, Harry potter, spongebob? Doesnt matter here just have a meme and your're all set! Let's get memey!
2 subscribers 6 members fully opened
on July 22, 2014
on July 18, 2014
on July 18, 2014
has become a member of the page
Drawing Contest Page
This is a page where there will be a certain topic of what you are supposed to draw. Hope you have fun!
5 subscribers 5 members fully opened
on July 18, 2014
created a page
drawing contest page where anything can happen!
Do you like to draw anything, well so do I! This is the place where you can show off your skills, and whoever wins gets to pick the next drawing contest! I did this for my 50th follower, and thanks to my followers! Have fun!
1 subscriber 2 members fully opened profile page
on July 18, 2014
created a poll
Which one is the best app?
Flappy Bird (if this, please put high score in comments) :D
Cut the rope
Candy Crush
Angry Birds
8 votes 9 profile poll
on July 16, 2014
If you remember that I make a new chapter on cotn/cotl once or twice a day but sorry there will be none today but there might be one tomorrow only because there's a harry potter marathon on today so I have to watch it
on July 13, 2014
created a personality quiz
Which one of my friends are you? (5)
I have a lot of friends, but I chose the main 5, so we're like the mane six I guess, even though some dont like mlp, but this quiz has nothing to do with mlp, so yeah. enjoy!
8 responses 9 profile quiz
on July 12, 2014
My friend was trying to be funny by like calling me fat and an idiot, and she didn't realize that it hurt. Then, a few days ago she said that if I ever went on America's Got Talent and my talent was singing that I would lose. So I told her she was making rude comments lately, and then she said Fine, I'm bad at singing. She was being soooo sarcastic!
on July 12, 2014
#potterheadweekend sitting on the couch all weekend!
on July 12, 2014
Hey, guys I just wanted to tell you when I get 50 followers I will do a contest page! I will tell you whenever there will be a contest page! Hope to see your enteries!
on July 11, 2014
on July 11, 2014
created a page
Lunamist123's Advice column!
Got a problem, like getting tied up in school work, or want to start something new but dont know if you should do it, then lunamist has the answer! (Not all answers will work out because i dont know what the thing is like, so y...
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
on July 11, 2014