Boymeetsworldfreak's Starred Questions

Boymeetsworldfreak has 8 starred questions
What's your favorite 'ball' sport?
9 / 2
my aunt is dying
Well my aunt is dying cause she has had dementia since 2009, it's when you lose your memory. And she also has m.s. which stands for muscular sclerosis. She has the most 2 weeks to live and she is getting super duper sick. And I...
7 / 0 profile question
your favorite bands/singers
13 / 2 profile question
who is your celebrity crush?
19 / 10
Qfeast fans: What features would you like to see added next?
We can make Qfeast better than everything else!
291 / 1030
Whats your lucky number?
59 / 17
are Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber a good couple?
i wanna be a music artist
well im 12 years old i just started the indianapolis childrens choir 2 months ago, but i wanna know how can i become famous make music producers want me, how do i get noticed. i would make videos of me singing but i don't like ...
5 / 4 profile question