Blue_star's Questions
Blue_star asked 32 questions
Recomended tween shows? So I want to find a new thing to watch but can't find anything ...
funny life stories? so i made a post on my wall about something funny that happened and...
why do girls always like the edgy charecters? i feel like girls always preffer the more...
What was your worst injury? Mine was when I was little I got stung by two wasps at the ...
Am I the only one on qfeast who watches liv and maddy? I feel like it's nobody except m...
What is your least favorite song? Personaly I hate the song one kiss is all it takes (t...

Are you a sugar adict? For me, 100% yes
does anyone else play aj? (animal jam) if so put your username and i might buddy you, m...

drawing contest, yah or nah? ok so its going to be the same as the pic contest but a li...
anyone else have a song stuck in their head if so what song? rn i have the song CAKE st...
song lyrics? hi so yeah i need song lyrics GOOD ONES be serious and it would be especia...
how long have you been here on qfeast? ive been here for... 6 months, joined janurary ...

Whats your favorite youtube quote? so what i mean is whats your favorite thing a youtub...

Any female lightning/electricity superhero names? i want specificly female names for a ...
Should i change my username? (1) Kendal, my BFF moved to Florida, so I'm wondering if I...

whats your favorite roleplaying game on roblox mine are royale high, warrior cats rp, m...

what do your enitials spell? mine spell arf or my internet initialls (kathryn moon whit...
Do you like the way the air smells after it rains? Me abd my dad do so is that normal?