Black_Heart's Page Subscriptions

Black_Heart is subscribed to 6 pages
A Place to Rant and Complain
Im always seeing people complaing about other people complaing, so here you can rant or complain without worrying about having other people get annoyed by it.
14 subscribers 2 members fully opened
join if u ever faked being sick to stay home from school
if u have ever faked being sick cause u didnt wanna go today, tell me if ur plan worked and if u felt bad for lying and also if u have tell us ur sickness and how it went tell me the entire story1
27 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Gravity Falls Puns
Just make up a whole bunch of Gravity Falls puns. Can be any kind of pun (can even be pictures!) as long as it makes sense and is Gravity Falls.
5 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Asylum RP
Come to the Hansfield Rehabilitation Center for those with Disorders or more properly known as the Hansfield Asylum. If you feel crazy, this is the place to be.
62 subscribers 5 members fully opened
Post your favorite songs!
What's your favorite songs? Post the lyrics to them here! Just, read all the lyrics and stuff like that... And you can find some songs you might like that you've never heard of! Just, you can post videos of you song or stuff li...
11 subscribers 1 member fully opened
The title says everything! guess the song... you can post some lyrics (you don't have to put the whole song just a few lyrics) and see who can guess it! I'll post rules every once in a while for new people to the page or for p...
183 subscribers 1 member fully opened