Is it just me, or is Ally Jackson/Check BFF.arigrande a lying brat?
It is simple
It is simple
on May 15, 2013

Farewell Qfeast... Im leaving
Is a description really needed? Because i messed up a good friendship i had and most people on here hate me... so im just gonna go...
Is a description really needed? Because i messed up a good friendship i had and most people on here hate me... so im just gonna go...

Why? I don't know what you "did" but there are people on here want to be your friend. If you want to talk about it then there are plenty willing to listen. :3 don't go.
on April 23, 2013
on April 23, 2013

Could you unblock me Steph... so i can talk to you both?
please unblock me so i can talk to you and ant... i have something important to say
please unblock me so i can talk to you and ant... i have something important to say
on April 16, 2013

This is not a question... Anthony, i need you to read this
Hey, Ant... I have thought about what went down. Our friendship shouldnt have ended like that. I treated you like dirt. Being friends for five years, you diserved a lot better than that. I wanted to say i am sorry. I know i hurt you bad, i understand why u wrote those poems to me and alice... Im asking you, no im begging you for your forgiveness... what do u say?
Hey, Ant... I have thought about what went down. Our friendship shouldnt have ended like that. I treated you like dirt. Being friends for five years, you diserved a lot better than that. I wanted to say i am sorry. I know i hurt you bad, i understand why u wrote those poems to me and alice... Im asking you, no im begging you for your forgiveness... what do u say?

bella101 Sempiternal is very kind and is never afraid to be her self. she isnt mean and maybe you should try to walk 2 moons in her moccasins before saying rude things to her. juts sayin.
on May 12, 2013
on April 16, 2013

imma chick the dude in my profile pic is a boy okay i know he is sexy
on April 10, 2013

Anthony is in the hospital because of you... he tried to kill himself

Lmao!! Omg u do know that gleneisha is my sister right? Lmao her and my other sis Lmao smh and ok
on March 28, 2013

just talk to him please... please don't leave him like pretty much everyone else has... he needs you, you may not see it... but you cant let ur family destroy ur guys awesome friendship... please, do it for me, alice, your friend gelenisha (sorry if I misspelled) talked to him and found him cool... come on
on March 28, 2013

U think I'm happy after finding out ant tried to kill himself?!? Why would he tale this to such dam extremes I mean come on! Suicide is not the answer to dis dam situation!
on March 28, 2013
on March 28, 2013

im going to hurt you with my sister... I cant believe you
on March 28, 2013

He said he wanted to be in it
on March 19, 2013

life is good
on March 18, 2013

Does anyone want a girlfriend?
simple question... if yes message me, if not... then dont
simple question... if yes message me, if not... then dont

I'm reporting this question!
Qfeast is a non-dating site!
If you want to date, get another site!
Qfeast is a non-dating site!
If you want to date, get another site!
on February 13, 2013
on February 13, 2013

Bella101 asked a question
My friend has a problem with one of my fetishes, how can i help him feel better about i...
on February 07, 2013

hi buddy... i got something i want to speak my mind about... how people are consantly trying to compare me to taylor swift... taylor swift may have a good voice, however i hate how she is slowly forgetting the fans.. besides... im 1000x cuter than taylor is... so the next person who compares me to her is getting a face full of pist and a butt full of foot XD
on February 06, 2013

Bella101 asked a question
Um... does anyone here know what is and isnt allowed to be put on this site? thank you ...
on February 05, 2013
And look, there is Ally's real self!