Artsy92's Starred Questions

Artsy92 has 3 starred questions
Riddle Me This
Can you solve these SUPER HARD riddles? If you can, I'll follow you! Good luck! 1. This old one runs forever, but never moves at all. He has not lungs nor throat, but still a mighty roaring call. What is it? 2. I am not alive...
7 / 1 profile question
What Books Do You Recomend?
What books do you recommend that aren't THAT popular? (like not Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Divergent, Hunger Games, etc.)
14 / 11 profile question
what do yo think about this?
I've been seeing this theory a bit lately.... it's about the whole universe possibly being just a computer simulation and I want to know what your opinions are about if it's true.
10 / 1