
I'm that weird arty, emo, crazy kid who u knew nothing about at school, I was just kinda, there if ya know what I mean?
uploaded a photo at Relatable things
Relatable things's Photo 3
on February 06, 2018
uploaded a photo at Relatable things
Relatable things's Photo 0
on February 06, 2018
uploaded a photo at Relatable things
Relatable things's Photo 0
on February 06, 2018
Do u guys have murder mode? Like, u don't kill, but ya kinda think
"What would happen if................. I would have to kill someone"
Then ya just want to hurt something, like paper or break a pencil? People ask "u k?" Then u say " ye I'm (break pencil) fine!"
Pls say I'm not alone...
on February 06, 2018
asked a question
How can I make my friends tell me what they really think of my voice?
I don't think I'm a good singer, but all my friends say I am and now I want to know what they really think because I know they are lying...
3 / 0
on February 06, 2018
I hate it when u know someone is soooo manipulative, but everyone else has no idea and think your just jelouse!!!
on February 01, 2018
uploaded a photo
Animalrock505's Photo 1
on January 30, 2018
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Relatable things
Post any teenager posts, minion posts or anything you find relatable. So post away
11 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on January 30, 2018
asked a question
How can you act like yuno from the future diary's?
My friend just saw the future diary's and now wants to act like Yuno from it,PS: She doesn't have a boy friend, but a crush, but the crush used to bully her
3 / 0
on January 30, 2018
Hi! I'm just an emo arty girl that just gave up. On life, I like to draw, I'm in a photography club, and I'm very small!
on January 21, 2018
created a personality quiz
Are you a TRUE yandere?
Find out ITU are a true handers that would fight for their senpi! Too the death... </3
25 responses 1
on January 21, 2018
uploaded a photo
Animalrock505's Photo 0
on January 21, 2018