AmazeStark - Page 10

i have my n*gga card so please don't get offended i say something that may be offensive

my qfeast family:
My Father: Vin See More
on November 28, 2017
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sorry if you guys have bee waiting for the next chapter for so long but it's a work in progress and it's gonna be the longest chapter and the lovely @TheSkysTheLimit is helping me with the chapter
on November 17, 2017
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added a new chapter to The life of a anthro Fox
Chapter 23 - Making preparations
A few days later Skylar and I are siting at the computer typing everything we want for the wedding. I call Luna and she picks up. "Heya." She says. "Hey." I said. "You'll never guess what I managed to do.". "What is it?" Luna asked. "I asked Skylar to marry me... and she said yes!" I said excitedly. "That's awesome Amaze, when is the wedding?" Luna asked. "We're planning that now." I said. Skylar then tapped on my shoulder and she mouthed something and my tail sways knowing wh...
on November 02, 2017
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AmazeStark's Photo 5
on November 06, 2017
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AmazeStark's Photo 0
on November 06, 2017
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AmazeStark's Photo 0
on November 06, 2017
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AmazeStark's Photo 5
on November 02, 2017
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added a new chapter to The life of a anthro Fox
Chapter 22 - It's time
After I rest for a minute I hide the plush fox behind me and I hear Skylar's footsteps approaching. Skylar comes around the corner and I make sure I hold the plush fox is hidden behind my back. "Hey Amaze."Skylar says. "Hey beautiful." I said. "You have something for me?" She asked. "As a matter of fact, I do." I said as I showed her the fox plush. She puts one hand on her chest as her breath was taken away and she says "Aww you shouldn't have.". "Squeeze it." I said. She smil...
on November 01, 2017
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added a new chapter to The life of a anthro Fox
Chapter 21 - Brotherly brawl
I walk towards Skylar and millions of thoughts rush though my head and I start to get nervous and my tail sways violently and I just keep walking. When I get ten feet from Skylar I get an idea and I dash off. After a few minute of setting things up, I hold up my arm with the warp gem and I call Skylar and it rings for a minute then she answers "Heyy Amaze.". "Heyy Skylar." I said "I gotcha something.". "ooo What is it?" Skylar asks. "Come to these coordinates i'm sending you a...
on October 30, 2017
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please share my page everyone please
on October 31, 2017
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added a new chapter to The life of a anthro Fox
Chapter 20 - Buying a ring
I walk out of a ring store and I look at the case in my hand and smile. "I hope she likes this.". I put the case in my pocket and I start walking and then my ear turns and I quickstep to the side and a giant robot foot steps beside me and I look up and see a huge robot and it tries to punch me and I jump up and land on it's arm and I run up it's arm and jump up and ground stomp onto it's head and it blows up and I get launched into a building. I fall out of the crater I made i...
on October 26, 2017
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AmazeStark's Photo 9
on October 26, 2017
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added a new chapter to The life of a anthro Fox
Chapter 19 - Tropical resort
A few days after our steampunk adventure, I plan a vacation for Skylar and I because Luna said something to me about the new tropical resort that just opened not too long ago. I load a messenger bag with my clothes and I step outside and wait on Skylar. Skylar comes out of the house with her bag of clothes and purse and she walks up to me and puts her arms around and jumps up and and I catch her with one arm under her knees and the other under her back and she smiles at me and...
on October 19, 2017
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typical i knew i'd get fox because i am a fox
You are a Fox! you are smart, swift, and quick witted. You have a good heart and care for others. You are active at night most of the time. you were most likely born at night too! you are truly awesome! :)
on November 04, 2017
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I'm also a fox :)
on November 04, 2017
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cool but still clear of wolf packs
on October 25, 2017
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on October 25, 2017
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added a new chapter to The life of a anthro Fox
Chapter 18 - Fight of dimensions
I watch the blur of orange then I look up and see two floating things in the air and one has mechanical wings and the other I'm not sure about. I look back down at the blur and I slow time for myself and I see the blur is actually a fox like me but wearing a bronze colored long coat with a hood and googles that seemed to match the rest of his apparel. Time returns to normal for me and I see a girl drop down from a nearby rooftop and kick me back and I land on my back and slide...
on October 16, 2017
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Goretober day 18: possesion
AmazeStark's Photo 3
on October 18, 2017
About Author
added a new chapter to The life of a anthro Fox
Chapter 17 - Things are getting heated
I grind on the grind rail to a clock tower and I jump off the rail and hit a steam powered launchpad and it launches me into the air and I do tricks and land on another rail. I see the end of the rail and when i get to the end I jump and homing attack a spring and get launched to a blimp and I run around it and I hit a ramp on it and I get launched across a gap to a street and I land dramatically. Luna drops Skylar beside me and says "Ziana and I are gonna fly ahead and we'll ...
on October 11, 2017
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's Photo 103
on October 12, 2017
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Star if you agree!
AmazeStark's Photo 13
on October 12, 2017
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AmazeStark's Photo 3
on October 12, 2017
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