wolfd3mon99 - Page 11

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Fun fact that I just learned:

Dumbledore means "bumblebee" in Old English. J.K. Rowling (the author of the Harry Potter series) said that she always pictured Albus walking around humming to himself...hence his last name (Warner Bros./CNN)
on April 13, 2021
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on April 13, 2021
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on April 13, 2021
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on April 13, 2021
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on April 13, 2021
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on April 13, 2021
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on April 13, 2021
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Pt 2
wolfd3mon99's Photo 0
on April 13, 2021
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Pt 1
wolfd3mon99's Photo 0
on April 13, 2021
on April 13, 2021
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Legacy Character Info Thingy
This has all the information about each character. There are minor spoilers for people who are not up to date with the book series. But in this story I will give you the general idea of each character, and even leave a few hint...
50 reads 11 readers 5
on April 13, 2021
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This is my most progressed book. It was originally based on a roleplay, and it has taken off from there. I hope you enjoy~ Also, I would really appreciate it if you could leave your opinion in the comments. I am always open to ...
428 reads 32 readers 76
on April 13, 2021
created a poll
I'm updating my profile picture. Choose one!
No, This!
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What about me?
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4 votes 1 profile poll
on April 13, 2021
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🔊 00:02
on April 13, 2021
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cant stop laughing ..cant breath
's Photo 7
on April 13, 2021
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im tomura when i want to be left alone
's Photo 1
on April 12, 2021
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's Photo 4
on April 12, 2021
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's Photo 7
on April 12, 2021
Never heard of a night angel. Only of Fallen Angels but cool!
Night Angel
Night Angel
Also known as Blood Angels, Or Fallen Angels, These creatures are a mix between angels and demons. They are very powerful, and their corrupt nature often consumes them and makes them act in evil ways. But they are not inherently evil. Its just the sheer force of their magic overwhelming them.
Their powers can include Death, Manipulating fear, and other such overpowered and terrible magics.
They are very rare however
its my own species. Its basically a powerful fallen angel-
on April 12, 2021
on April 12, 2021