sialjoans - Page 3

[Voice Actors Needed!] Hello, a friend of mine is an author and wrote Words of Power Quest. It's now under the process of getting published. He'd like to create an audiobook for it, See More▼
Automatic Flatterer
  Automatic flatterer   ... and we appreciate you for who you are. Give someone else the pat on the back that they deserve... please forward. From Netropolis Design... we enjoy supporting our clients.
on April 21, 2018
created a story
Morwenna McCallister and the Hooting Fox
Once upon a time, there was a hopeful girl called Morwenna McCallister. She was on the way to see her grandma Annie Platt when she decided to take a shortcut through Grizedale Forest...
4 reads 4 readers 0
on April 21, 2018
created a story
Rural West Boggins
"About as enjoyable as being hailed on whilst taking in washing that has been targeted by seagulls with the squits." - Enid Kibbler
0 reads 0 readers 0 profile story
on April 21, 2018
Free Books - Win with Goodreads Giveaways!
Be the first to read new books! Prerelease books are listed for giveaway by publishers and authors, and members can enter to win. Winners are picked rand...
on April 16, 2018
uploaded a photo at Free Reads
Free Reads's Photo 1
on April 15, 2018
uploaded a photo at Philosophy Corner
Niccolo Machiavelli
Philosophy Corner's Photo 1
on April 15, 2018
created a personality quiz
O Teste dos Dons (Parte VI)
Temos diferentes dons, de acordo com a graça que nos foi dada. Se alguém tem o dom de profetizar, use-o na proporção da sua fé. Se o seu dom é servir, sirva; se é ensinar, ensine; se é dar ânimo, que assim faça; se é contribuir...
0 responses 0
on April 15, 2018
'Longest' word has 189,819 letters, takes three hours to pronounce
'Longest' word has 189,819 letters, takes three hours to pronounce
'Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl...isoleucine' is the chemical name of 'titin'.
on April 13, 2018
uploaded a photo at Free Reads
Free Reads's Photo 1
on April 11, 2018
created a personality quiz
O Teste dos Dons (Parte V)
E ele designou alguns para apóstolos, outros para profetas, outros para evangelistas, e outros para pastores e mestres, com o fim de preparar os santos para a obra do ministério, para que o corpo de Cristo seja edificado, até q...
1 response 0
on April 07, 2018
created a personality quiz
O Teste dos Dons (Parte IV)
A cada um, porém, é dada a manifestação do Espírito, visando ao bem comum. Pelo Espírito, a um é dada a palavra de sabedoria; a outro, pelo mesmo Espírito, a palavra de conhecimento; a outro, fé, pelo mesmo Espírito; a outro, d...
1 response 0
on April 07, 2018
created a page
Free Reads
Where you can find links to e-books by clicking their images in the photo gallery. [Accepting requests.]
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on April 05, 2018
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Philosophy Corner
phi·los·o·phy [fəˈläsəfē]: the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
on April 05, 2018
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Conspiracy Theories
con·spir·a·cy the·o·ry [noun] a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.
4 subscribers 2 members fully opened
on March 24, 2018
created a poll
Which is your favorite fan fiction site?
Kindle Worlds
Archive of O...
+ 10 more
6 votes 0
on March 24, 2018
asked a question
on March 24, 2018
created a personality quiz
O Teste dos Dons (Parte III)
Assim acontece com vocês. Visto que estão ansiosos por terem dons espirituais, procurem crescer naqueles que trazem a edificação para a igreja. (1 Coríntios 14:12)
1 response 0
on March 18, 2018
created a personality quiz
O Teste dos Dons (Parte II)
Há diferentes tipos de dons, mas o Espírito é o mesmo. Há diferentes tipos de ministérios, mas o Senhor é o mesmo. Há diferentes formas de atuação, mas é o mesmo Deus quem efetua tudo em todos. (1 Coríntios 12:4-6)
2 responses 0
on March 18, 2018
created a personality quiz
O Teste dos Dons (Parte I)
Deus deu dons espirituais para a edificação da Igreja. Esses dons são capacidades especiais que cada pessoa pode usar para seu próprio crescimento espiritual e para ajudar outros.
2 responses 0
on March 18, 2018