Wolf Quiz

Take this quiz to see how much you know about wolves! Note: I got this quiz from my science teacher, and I THINK she got it from a website, I do not know for sure. Please enjoy and a comment below!

published on January 28, 201611 responses 3
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Most gray wolves weigh between...

(a) 50 and 75 pounds
(b) 75 and 125 pounds
(c) 125-200 pounds

From nose to tail tip, most gray wolves are...

(a) from 3 to 4 feet long
(b) from 5 to 6 feet long
(c) from 6-8 feet long

The breeding female is solely responsible for raising the pups...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

An adult wolf's front paw is about the size of...

(a) a husky's paw
(b) a 10 year old child's fist
(c) a man's fist
(d) a chihuahua's paw

How many pounds of meat is an adult wolf able to consume at a single meal?

(a) 10 pounds
(b) 5 pounds
(c) 30 pounds
(d) 20 pounds

Wolves never kill more than they can eat a single meal...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

Why do wolves howl? How many reasons can you think of?


Wolves will not respond to human howls...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

The average pack of wolves consists of...

(a) 5 to 10 wolves
(b) 15 to 20 wolves
(c) 25 to 30 wolves
(d) more than 30

When hunting, wolves will always attempt to cripple large animals such as elk by attacking the lower hind legs and "hamstringing" the animal...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

In what states are wild wolves found? How many can you name?


Wolves do not eat large bones because the sharp edges could puncture their stomachs or intestines...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

What is the best thing to do if you see a wolf in the wild?

(a) turn and run
(b) drop to the ground and curl up into a ball
(c) climb the nearest tree
(d) back away slowly and avoid eye contact
(e) grab your camera

Wolves make loyal, easily trainable pets...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

A wolf at top speed in a chase can sprint at...

(a) 10 to 15 mph
(b) 15 to 20 mph
(c) 20 to 25 mph
(d) 30 mph and even faster

Wolves are extremely aggressive and pose a major threat to campers and hikers in the backcountry...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

Although fighting rarely takes place within the pack, wolves will attack, injure, and kill other wolves who intrude on the pack's territory...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

Wolves in the wild live an average of...

(a) 6 to 7 years
(b) 3 to 4 years
(c) 9 to 10 years
(d) 11 to 13 years

Wolves breed and have a litter of pups...

(a) twice a year
(b) once a year
(c) at random times throughout the year depending on the amount of prey

The eyes of the pups, when they are open, are...

(a) black
(b) blue
(c) green
(d) brown

How do wolves communicate with one another? How many can you think of- or guess at?


All wolves in a pack are always the same color...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

A wolf pack is...

(a) a group of unrelated wolves who get along with each other
(b) a pair of breeders and the subordinates who have joined them from other packs
(c) an extended family of parents, pups, and sometimes offspring from previous litters

Wolves drink large amounts of water after a kill because...

(a) their bodies have become dehydrated from the effort
(b) their bodies require large amounts of water to process their meat diet
(c) water helps them feel good and satisfied

Wolves exercise vigorously after eating so they will be ready to hunt again in a short time...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

Adult wolves resent the playfullness of the pups and discipline them strongly for attempting to engage the older pack members in games...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

Wolves prefer to eat sheep and cattle rather than elk and moose...true or false?

(a) true
(b) false
[pick true or false]

Wolves nearly disappeared from the lower 48 states because...

(a) they were shot, poisoned, and trapped
(b) a rabies epidemic lasting several years nearly wooed them out
(c) their food source was eliminated

What wolf has been reintroduced North Carolina?

(a) Mexican wolf
(b) gray wolf
(c) red wolf

What wolf has been recently reintroduced into the southwest?

(a) Mexican wolf
(b) gray wolf
(c) red wolf