The Resurrection of Jesus Quiz Test your knowledge about the resurrection of Jesus Christ with this insightful quiz! rihanna80 published on February 10, 2024 Stacked 1/12 Who discovered the empty tomb? Peter Mary Magdalene James 2/12 How many days after His crucifixion did Jesus rise from the dead? 2 3 4 3/12 Who did Jesus first appear to after His resurrection? The twelve disciples Mary Magdalene Pontius Pilate 4/12 Which disciple doubted Jesus' resurrection until he saw Him and touched His wounds? Peter Andrew Thomas 5/12 Where did Jesus ascend to heaven? Mount Sinai Mount Olivet Mount Moriah 6/12 Who saw Jesus ascending into heaven? The apostles The disciples The Pharisees 7/12 What did Jesus say to His disciples just before ascending to heaven? Do not fear Go and make disciples of all nations Prepare for my return 8/12 Who encountered Jesus on the road to Emmaus but didn't recognize Him until He broke bread? Mary Magdalene Two disciples Peter 9/12 What did the soldiers guarding the tomb testify about the resurrection of Jesus? They never witnessed anything An angel came and rolled away the stone Jesus' body disappeared mysteriously 10/12 After the resurrection, how long did Jesus appear to His disciples before ascending to heaven? 1 day 40 days 7 days 11/12 Who delivered a sermon on the day of Pentecost about the resurrection of Jesus? James Peter Paul 12/12 What did Thomas say when he saw the resurrected Jesus? My eyes deceive me My Lord and my God It must be a ghost