The Skin Care Showdown

The Skin Care Showdown

Test your knowledge on skin care and discover what you really know about maintaining a healthy complexion! This quiz will inform you on the best products, tips, and tricks to keep that natural glow!

published on May 01, 20230 responses 0
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What is the best way to exfoliate the skin?

What is the best way to exfoliate the skin?
With a strong sugar scrub
With a gentle acid, like glycolic acid
With a loofah
With high-pressure jets of water

Which of the following ingredients helps promote skin hydration?

Which of the following ingredients helps promote skin hydration?
Salicylic Acid

Which of the following is not typically recommended for acne-prone skin?

Which of the following is not typically recommended for acne-prone skin?
Salicylic Acid
Lemon Juice
Benzoyl Peroxide

Which of the following is the best method for finding the perfect moisturizer for your skin type?

Which of the following is the best method for finding the perfect moisturizer for your skin type?
Trying out samples from friends
Testing out different products over time
Looking at product reviews online
Asking your family and friends

Which of the following ingredients commonly used in skin care products can help reduce excess oil production?

Which of the following ingredients commonly used in skin care products can help reduce excess oil production?
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)
Hyaluronic Acid

Which of the following is best used as a harsh cleanser to strip away dirt and oil?

Which of the following is best used as a harsh cleanser to strip away dirt and oil?
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)
Soap bar

Which of the following is not recommended for people with sensitive skin?

Which of the following is not recommended for people with sensitive skin?
Moisturizing twice a day
Using products with fragrance and alcohol
Gentle cleansing after exercise and sweating
Regular use of an exfoliator

Which of the following is not an anti-aging ingredient?

Which of the following is not an anti-aging ingredient?
Hyaluronic Acid
Rosehip Seed Oil
Lemon Juice