Riddles! (4)

Riddles! (4)

These riddles are pretty tricky! I hope you have a lot of fun figuring them out! ?

published on May 23, 20198 responses 0
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What gets wet when it dries?


April showers bring May flowers but what do Mayflowers bring?

April showers bring May flowers but what do Mayflowers bring?

What is heavy backwards, but on the front it’s not?

A Ton
A Weight
The Sky

There is man who lives in the penthouse of a very tall building. When it rains, he uses the elevator. When it doesn’t, he uses the stairs. Why is that? (Fours word answer no period and only the first letter capitalized.)


There is a black one story house. Everything in the house is black! The walls are black, the chairs are black, the table is black, the beds are black, etc. What color are the stairs? (Four word answer no period and only the first word is capitalized.)


What black and white and read all over?


I always run but cannot walk, I sometimes sing but cannot talk, no head on which a hat to place, yet you always look me in the face. What am I?

A Bird
A Clock
The Sun
The Moon